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About the UHCW IR Department

At UHCW we perform the full range of IR procedures with the exception of a few highly specialised procedures and paediatric procedures. Our Consultants work alongside specialised nurses and radiographers in the Interventional Radiology Suite which is a state-of-the-art unit located within the ground floor Radiology Department.

The IR Suite consists of 4 operating theatres fully equipped with ultrasound machines and x-ray cameras to “look inside” patients whilst performing procedures.

There is also a 7-bed radiology day case unit which allows us to admit and discharge some patients directly to the unit without the need to go to a general hospital ward.

The IR Suite operates 08:30am – 5pm Monday to Friday but also delivers a 24/7 out-of-hours emergency service covering for procedures such as bleeding in acute trauma or gastrointestinal bleeding or patients with sepsis requiring urgent drainage of internal abscesses, difficult to reach with conventional surgery.

IR Consultants run weekly outpatient clinics to see patients and discuss procedures and IR nurses review patients in the pre-assessment clinic or on the ward prior to their procedure. IR Consultants participate in a number of weekly multi-disciplinary meetings where various treatment options are discussed before advising patients on the recommended course of action.

The IR Department has undergone a £5.5million investment program resulting in a complete redesign and overhaul of the entire Suite to deliver a state-of-the-art facility with top-spec equipment which is upgraded every 7 years.

The IR Suite is staffed by a highly specialised team of Consultants, Nurses, Radiographers and Admin staff who work together to deliver patient centric care both electively and in emergency situations.