Reasons for storage:
Information for patients
Information for clinicians
We currently have no active donors in our own donor bank, but we can assist in importing sperm from other donor banks. We mainly import sperm from Xytex, in the USA, which has a wide range of UK compliant donors to choose from.
If you are interested in using donor sperm in your treatment, please contact our donor sperm importing team on our dedicated donor sperm email address or on 02476 968887 between 8.30am-3.30pm Monday to Friday (Message facility available outside of these times)
Information for patients wanting to use donor sperm CMV testing information
Tips on choosing your donor
Please ensure that you have completed all necessary investigations, have completed implications counselling, and have your CMV test results before choosing your donor
You can narrow your search on the Xytex website by limiting to UK compliant donors only, and by CMV status, depending upon your own CMV status (If you are CMV negative, you should choose a CMV negative donor; CMV positive patients can choose to use either CMV negative or CMV positive donors).
If several patients wish to import at the same time, shipping charges can be shared, reducing the cost
Prices are available on the Xytex website, and range from £400 upwards for one vial of sperm.
Visit the UHCW CHarity Website