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Construction works progressing well on new staff car park at University Hospital, Coventry

Construction work on a new 1,600 space staff car park at University Hospital, Coventry is progressing well.

The development at the back of the hospital will increase parking capacity for patients and visitors at the front, easing congestion on site and improving access for emergency vehicles and public transport.

A total of 34 active Electric Vehicle charging spaces will be included, along with a further 46 passive charging spaces which can be activated to meet future need, 34 motorcycle parking spaces and 160 bicycle parking spaces.

Earthworks are well advanced, with kerbing now being added and the first section of the car park set to be surfaced with tarmac in August.

The car park, due to be completed in early 2022, is being delivered by University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust in partnership with health and care property developer Prime and contractors Montel Civil Engineering.

Professor Andy Hardy, Chief Executive Officer at UHCW NHS Trust, said: “I am delighted to see work advancing on this vital piece of infrastructure for the hospital.

“The new facility will provide invaluable additional spaces on site and confirms our continuing priorities of ensuring easy access to our services for patients and their families while further enhancing the day-to-day experiences of our staff.

“We are working with our partners and the local community to ensure we deliver the new car park in the most efficient and effective way possible.”

Will Bilbrough, Technical Development Director, Prime said: “It's so exciting to see this much needed project taking shape and gathering pace. We’re committed to delivering a high-quality facility that staff of UHCW deserve."

Simon Turbutt, Managing Director of Montel Civil Engineering, said: “We’re proud to be working with Prime on this significant car park project. We are all determined that the results of our collective efforts will make a huge difference to the staff and patients of University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire.”

Once works are complete the sole entry and exit point for the new car park will be via Clifford Bridge Road using the existing routes through the hospital campus.

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