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Excellence at the heart of new UHCW Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan

Ensuring patients receive world class care is at the heart of our newly launched Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan. 

Underpinned by UHCW's Organisational Strategy, the Plan is designed to ensure the Trust is an employer of choice and continues its journey as a centre of excellence for Nursing and Midwifery. 

Nina Morgan, our Chief Nursing Officer, spoke with pride about some of the key achievements from the past year: "Highlights include a 30 per cent reduction in avoidable pressure ulcers, double our 15 per cent target.

"We have also seen a reduction of 28 per cent in all falls and a remarkable 43 per cent reduction in falls resulting in moderate or above harm. 

"The Trust has recruited 320 Band Five Nurses and Midwives during a period where recruitment nationally was challenging. 

"I am also very proud that we have achieved between 95 and 98 per cent harm free care each month for the past year, sustaining a consistent level above the 92 per cent target.

"This is down to the incredibly hard work, dedication and excellence shown by all of the nursing and midwifery staff at UHCW.

"With the launch of our new strategy we are looking to improve even further by recognising innovation and learning from our achievements, and even mistakes, to develop a sense of pride in UHCW. 

"We want to make UHCW a model employer when it comes to nursing and midwifery. This Trust should to be the place to come to for anybody wanting to develop into a world class Nurse, Midwife or Allied Health Professional."

The Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan is made up of six key elements which were all showcased at an interactive market place held in the Clinical Science Building.











1) Excellent Patient and Staff Experience: 

  • Use patient feedback to enhance care and service delivery
  • Listen and learn from our staff and students in order to understand what is important to them
  • Promote safety of staff in the workplace
  • Develop & implement an assessment and accreditation framework centred around evidence-based care

2) Excellence in Education, Training and Improvement

  • Create pathways of education to develop specialist knowledge and skills
  • Develop and implement a portfolio of education and training opportunities
  • Provide excellent clinical practice learning environments
  • Develop a Professional Practice Model that underpins nursing and midwifery practice

3) Career Development Pathways

  • Provide a career pathway and development opportunities for staff
  • Develop infrastructure and support for career progression, role development and transition
  • Promote the implementation of techniques for giving and receiving feedback
  • Explore opportunities for growing our own registered nursing and midwifery workforce

4) Professional Pride, Recognition and Value

  • Promote a positive image of nursing and midwifery
  • Celebrate and reward world-class care
  • Create a range of opportunities to connect staff and for the them to access health and wellbeing schemes
  • Publicise best practice through national and international awards and events

5) Leadership at all Levels

  • Ensure visible and accessible senior leadership
  • Create opportunities for staff to develop their leadership potential, and take accountability and responsibility for shared decisions and shaping change
  • Facilitate clinical leadership development
  • Enable quality improvements using UHCWi methodology
  • Champion the use of digital technology and informatics to improve practice, address unwarranted variations and enhance outcomes

6) Research and Innovation

  • Develop, implement and raise awareness and understanding of the Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals Research Strategy.
  • Increase opportunities for nursing and midwifery staff to engage in research activity.
  • Develop clinical academic roles and career pathways leading to excellence in research up to doctorate level.
  • Demonstrate translation of research and innovation into practice.

All of these elements will contribute to making UHCW a world class organisation both in the care we give to patients and the support and opportunities provided to Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals. 

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