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Love Your Bump campaign launched across Coventry and Warwickshire

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust is joining health partners across Coventry and Warwickshire in encouraging parents-to-be to quit smoking.

The Love Your Bump campaign uses messages from unborn babies directed to mums, dads and fellow family members who smoke to ask them to stop.
A new webpage - - is available to signpost residents to local support services.

The maternity service at UHCW will also be promoting the campaign with posters and banners placed around the department.

Rachel Harrison, UHCW Public Health Midwife, said: “Smoking during pregnancy can hugely increase the risk of developing pregnancy and birth complications and beyond, including miscarriage, pre-term pregnancy, stillbirth, lower birth weight or sudden infant death.

There is also a higher chance that children exposed to smoking develop asthma, autism or ADHD as well as an increased likelihood that they will smoke in later life. It is most important thing that we can help expectant mums to give up to improve their baby’s start to life.”

Smoking is an addiction and Coventry and Warwickshire’s experienced and friendly advisers are on hand to help pregnant women kick the habit.
Smokers are three times more likely to quit smoking with support from the Stop Smoking in Pregnancy Service than on their own.

Tracy Pilcher, Chief Nursing Officer for Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board and new Chair of the Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS), said: “The LMNS is the coming together of providers, commissioners, public health teams and other partners to improve the health and wellbeing of our local mothers, babies and their families. 

“Second hand or ‘passive smoke’ is also damaging to the health of both baby and mother so supporting those around them to stop smoking is just as important.

“Our LMNS Love Your Bump campaign is timed to coincide and reinforce the established annual Stoptober campaign.” 

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