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National Cancer Patient Experience Survey

At the NHS, we want our patients to have the best experience possible and having continuous patient feedback is crucial in helping us deliver what patients want and need.

The national Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) has launched to ask for feedback from cancer patients (aged 16 years and over*), to inform and improve local cancer services across England. Those who were treated for cancer as an inpatient or day-case, and left hospital in April, May or June 2022, will be invited to take part in the survey.

The survey takes just 10-20 minutes to complete and can be done online, on paper, or over the phone. If you need support completing the survey or need it made available in another language you can call the free helpline number: 0800 103 2804.

The NHS and cancer charities use the results to understand what is working well and which areas need improvement. The results enable them to identify national and local priorities and work with patients and partners to deliver change.

The survey is anonymous and all personal data will be kept safe and the results of the survey will be available in Summer 2023.

For more information on the survey and how to access help and support in completing it, please visit

*A separate survey has been launched for those aged 16 and under,

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