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Paediatric resuscitation area is opened at University Hospital

It can be a traumatic time when a child needs to visit our Emergency Department, so we are delighted to have opened a new paediatric resuscitation area at University Hospital.

This new space means youngsters can receive expert care away from adults.

Claire Evans, Emergency Medicine Operational Delivery Lead at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, said the facility offers more room for staff and families to gather bedside as well as increased privacy.

She added: “We are a Major Trauma Centre and our resus is very busy, but there are types of injuries children come in with that actually require a calm, collective atmosphere.

“Now we have a controlled environment for children with reduced noise that will improve the holistic care we can give.”

This project is part of a wider £15 million Emergency Medicine expansion set to begin in November to transform and expand our emergency assessment areas to include our Emergency Department, Children's Emergency Department, two extra adult resus spaces, Medical Decisions Unit and Minor Injuries Unit.

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