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Trusts team up to help smokers quit the habit

Three NHS Trusts in Coventry and Warwickshire are partnering with local authorities to give new opportunities for people to quit smoking.

An estimated 11 per cent of over-18s in Coventry and Warwickshire currently smoke, although this figure varies across districts, boroughs and different population groups.

To support smokers looking to stop, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust, George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust (GEH), and South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust (SWFT) have launched a series of initiatives.

In addition, a new Smoke Free website created through a partnership between Warwickshire County Council (WCC) and Coventry City Council (CCC) has been launched.

Rachel Chapman, Public Health Consultant at UHCW NHS Trust, said: “Giving up smoking is the single biggest thing you can do to improve your health. The Trust has already introduced stop smoking support and free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) for all inpatients and pregnant women who smoke.

“We also have smoke-free advisers informing people that the hospital is a smoke free site and signposting them to the support available. This has gone really well so far and will continue for the foreseeable future.”

Lesley Petre, Tobacco Specialist at GEH and SWFT, said: “We are pleased to see this important community focused project launched, highlighting the huge health improvements that stopping smoking can have on people’s health.

“At our trusts, every inpatient who smokes is offered a free initial 10-day support programme to help them quit smoking. This has been a great success so far and alongside our partners we are keen to continue to highlight what is available to everyone across the region to support people to quit smoking for good.”

The new website provides details of local free, confidential stop smoking services, as well as resources and information about smoking and vaping.

People aged 12 and over who live, work or are registered with a GP in Coventry or Warwickshire are entitled to free support.

Smokers who sign up get access to:

  • 12 weeks of one-to-one support (face-to-face or virtual) with a specialist stop smoking practitioner.
  • Help to manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
  • Free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products or Vape Quit Kits (18+ only).
  • Access to a Smoke Free app.

People who quit smoking with the support of a stop smoking service are three times more likely to quit for good.

Smokers can learn more by visiting Free stop smoking support can also be accessed via phone on 0800 122 3780 for Coventry services or 0333 005 0092 for Warwickshire.

There are also specialist Stop Smoking in Pregnancy advisers trained to support pregnant women and their families through their journey to stop smoking.

Further work is being scoped to provide additional support and initiatives to reduce smoking prevalence across Coventry and Warwickshire, with a particular focus on priority groups.

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