The Equality Act came into force in October 2010; and the additional new Public Sector Equality Duties and the combined discrimination provisions came into force in April 2011. The purpose of the Equality Act is to consolidate existing discrimination legislation and contains measures, which are intended to strengthen protection against discrimination.
The protected characteristics in the Public Sector Equality Duty are listed in the Equality Act as: age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
The EDS was introduced into the NHS in July 2011 and formally launched in November 2011. The EDS is a toolkit and framework for assessing how NHS organisations are performing with regard to Equality, Diversity and Human Rights; how they can improve; and how they get to where they want to be.
The EDS toolkit was refreshed in November 2013 by NHS England and is now known as “EDS2”. It includes a core set of outcomes and a more streamlined grading system; and it encourages organisations to use it flexibly.
The Trust continues to be committed to ensuring that there is equality of opportunity for all our staff, patients and visitors. We are in the process of updating our EDS2 Action Plan which will be published by the end of July 2022. We will seek views to identify priority needs from patients, stakeholder partners and staff across the ‘protected groups’. Protected groups include age, disability, gender re-assignment, sexual orientation, religion and belief, sex, race, maternity and pregnancy, and marriage and civil partnerships.
Since April 2015 all Trusts have been required to submit an annual WRES report and plan to ensure compliance.
Although there are some slight changes in the data this year again, there are no areas of significant concern.
The actions in this year’s plan, co-developed with the Supporting People Of Colour (SPOC) Network, focus on two key areas; supporting BME who are experiencing discrimination or who feel they do not have equal opportunities to career progression compared to their white counterparts.
To view our Workforce Race Equality Standard please click here.
This is the Trust’s first WDES action plan and we are fortunate to have the support of the Disability And Wellbeing Network (DAWN). DAWN will be active in raising the profile of disabled staff, their contributions and concerns.
The next twelve months should provide us with the insight needed to develop even more strategic actions.
To view our Workforce Disability Equality Standard please click here
The regulators, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will use the WRES and WDES to help assess whether NHS organisations are well-led.
Implementation of the subsequent WRES and WDES action plan will be monitored by the Strategic Workforce Committee where any arising issues are escalated.
There is a requirement for the WRES and WDES report and actions to be presented and agreed by Trust Board annually.
UHCW NHS Trust is committed to ensuring that the public is able to access relevant information and data in relation to its workforce and patients. This will help to engender a relationship based on transparency and openness, which will in turn enable us to develop a partnership approach with patients and other key stakeholders.
The links provided below will allow you gain a better understanding of the profile of our workforce and patients.
No individual will be identifiable from the information we publish as we pride ourselves in ensuring that our staff and patients are afforded the confidentiality that is their right.
As you will appreciate we are one of the largest Acute Teaching Trusts in the country, therefore, we have a vast amount of information and data relating to our staff and patients. Therefore, it is not possible to publish all our statistics but we have provided key information.
View our latest Trust staff data
View our latest Volunteer data
Inpatient Profile
Outpatient Profile
Accident and Emergency Profile
The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017 requires employers to report their gender pay gaps for any year where they have a headcount of 250 or more employees.
The report below details the results from the gender pay review analysis (March 2017) for University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust undertaken as part of the Equality Act 2010 specific duties. It is important to note the difference between gender pay gap and equal pay as being:
Download the UHCW Gender Pay Gap Report - March 2019
If you wish to view the most recent EIAs or would like further information, please contact
UHCW NHS Trust has legal duties under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations on the basis of Protected Characteristics (age, disability, race/ethnicity/nationality, religion/belief, marriage/civil partnership, sexual orientation, gender, gender reassignment/transgender and pregnancy/maternity).
The Equality and Diversity team has recently revised and updated the Trust’s EIA form so that it encourages meaningful consideration of the needs of the diverse communities and workforce we serve and work with.
EIAs will help to identify if there is potential to negatively impact on any of the Protected Characteristics groups and allow adaptations as necessary. It will also alert to whether any groups may have particular needs.
The EIA process will help to avoid claims of unlawful discrimination as it provides a framework to ensure the Trust meets its legislative duties. The process helps the Trust to anticipate problems and make informed and open decisions.
Visit the UHCW CHarity Website