Welcome to September's issue of the CNO Bulletin.
I hope you have all been able to take some well-deserved annual leave over the last few weeks and, once again, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this latest issue of this CNO Bulletin.
This month, as we find ourselves transitioning from Summer into Autumn, I'm excited to look at the Nursing Times Workforce Awards shortlist with you - including International Nurse of the Year finalist Amelia Ilustre.
There will be an update from our recent Pathway to Excellence Listening Event, including a presentation you're able to download which will explain the 12 key areas of focus following last month's survey. There will also be some information about exciting opportunities we have for our Nurses, Midwives and AHP’s.
Reflective Spaces: Support Groups Launching via Webinar on the 27th September
Pathway to Excellence®: September Focus
Excellence At UHCW: Finalists in the Nursing Times Workforce Awards!
Getting to Know Our Nursing Team: Amelia Ilustre
Research Highlight: Exciting Opportunities for Nurses, Midwives and AHP’s at UHCW
DAISY Update - September
Celebrations: Improvements in MUST Compliance
A message from the National IPC Team
Save the Dates
Share your stories
Tweets of the month
The Deputy Chief Nursing Officer for England (Professional and System Leadership) has shared the below with us.
‘Doctors in Distress’ are launching their final nurses and allied health professional support group with the opening webinar on the 27th September. This group is for nurses and allied health professionals that have been on the frontline (not long Covid and shielding!). This is the last in their series and it would be great to reach as many frontline staff as possible.
As ever, if you know of anyone who you think would benefit, please pass on the registration link here.
The last few weeks have been very busy in the UHCW Pathway to Excellence® Team.
With the fantastic response to our 2021 Survey in August, we’ve been analysing all of the data to drive our key activity over the next few months. The survey results have enabled us to identify key areas for improvement. We are already developing action plans to support improvements for our staff and patients.
The Pathway to Excellence Listening Event, hosted earlier this month by CNO Professor Nina Morgan, offered direct care staff opportunity to feedback their experiences of working in our organisation and propose ideas for improvement directly to our Chief Nursing Officer.
You Said, We Did…
Click to download a short presentation which details our 12 key areas of focus and what action we’re already taking to improve our practice environments for staff.
A key theme was how we communicate key messages and opportunities with our nursing and midwifery workforces.
Staff provided some fantastic ideas utilising different social media and communication channels that we are going to be taking forward. If you have any ideas please submit them to PathwayToExcellenceUHCW@uhcw.nhs.uk
We are proud to announce that UHCW had been shortlisted as finalists in three learning and education categories at the 2021 Nursing Times Workforce Awards.
Best workplace for learning and development in organisation over 1500 nursing staff
Supporting our nursing workforce to develop existing and new skills at pace, to support the essential service requirements during the Covid-19 pandemic required a targeted educational response. A training needs gap analysis was conducted at the start of the pandemic to ensure swift and timely support was provided to staff who needed to deliver care outside of their primary care areas.
Preceptorship of the Year, organisation over 1500 Nursing Staff
Transition from a student nurse to a newly qualified registrant or joining our UK nursing workforce from overseas is one of the most challenging times of any nurse’s or nursing associate’s career. The preceptorship programme at UHCW is a well-established programme which offers educational and professional support to new NMC registrants within our organisation. Adapting to the ever changing needs of our workforce with a targeted focus on health and wellbeing during the challenges of the pandemic has enabled us to provide bespoke support to these groups of learners over the last 18 months.
Best International Recruitment Experience
Over the last year the organisation has rapidly developed a significant International Nurse Recruitment Programme.
As showcased on the BBC Hospital series, a collaborative team made up of Practice Development, Finance, Workforce, Learning & Development and ICT colleagues was formed to create standard international recruitment processes and develop and OSCE Training Programme suitable for large cohorts of learners joining our nursing workforce from overseas.
The further development of the Clinical Education Facilitator role within the Practice Development Team has enabled the organisation to provide bespoke education for these valued staff members, supporting their transition to clinical practice.
Our OSCE pass rate remains at 100% and we are so proud of all our International Recruits who have been successful in joining the NMC register over the last year!
This month our team interviewed Amelia Lustre, a Clinical Nurse Trainer on the Haemodialysis Unit at UHCW, who is also a finalist for the Nursing Times Workforce Awards - International Nurse Award!
Congratulations Amelia!
Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your nursing career to date?
I am a mother to three growing kids, two of who are in their teens.
I am a very reflective and spiritual person. Behind the serious look, though, is a good sense of humour. I am not a good singer, but I could suddenly blurt out a line or two of a song to calm me down during a stressful situation.
Growing up, I was into writing and school journalism. Unfortunately, I have been suffering from writer’s block for almost three decades now.
My happy place is my tiny garden. There is fulfilment in witnessing growth, and it has healing power.
My eldest daughter calls me an underground artist. I don’t know what it means! Although I am not a pro, I love the serenity and the freedom that painting gives me.
My training to become a nurse started in 1989. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Northern Philippines in 1993. After graduating, I did voluntary work for a small clinic (GP Practice) in the town where I grew up.
When I received my licence to practice, I was employed in Manila Doctors Hospital, a training hospital at the heart of the city, from 1994-1999. I was a nurse in charge of a general ward when I left.
I was in the last semester of my master’s degree at the University of the Philippines Manila when the opportunity to come to the UK happened. On the 15th of January 2000, I left the Philippines to work in Kingston Hospital NHS Trust, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey
I completed my Adaptation period in a Gastroenterology Medical Ward. After receiving my NMC Pin in July 2000, I worked in the Post Anaesthetic Care Unit of the Main Theatres of the same hospital until 2003
From 2003 to 2014, I worked in HDU/CCU/ITU of the same hospital. I got my Band 6 promotion in 2007.
I completed my Diploma in Health and Social Care, Critical Care Nursing at St. Georges Hospital University of London in 2005. I did level 6 courses in cardiology and mentorship after that.
I joined Medics Pro for part-time agency work in 2013 until 2017 that allowed me to work in various intensive care units in Central and Southwest London, and later in the ICU/HDU of Northampton Hospital.
In September of 2014, I was employed in UHCW. I first worked in GCCU, and then I moved to Mulberry Ward before finally joining Renal Services as a Haemodialysis nurse in Ash Dialysis Unit.
In January 2017, I successfully got the promotion to my job as the Clinical Training Sister for Haemodialysis. I am passionate about supporting the training and development of student nurses, newly qualified nurses, international nurses, registered nurses and healthcare support workers.
I feel that with this job, I am contributing in my little way towards the safe provision of care, excellence in practice and a brighter future for the Nursing profession.
When did you find out that you had been nominated for the award?
On the 18th of May, I had a missed call and a voice message left on my mobile phone. Onboard a bus on my way home, after a very challenging shift in one of our satellite HD units, I immediately called them back as it was almost 5 pm. Only then did I found out the Nursing Times had also tried to contact me two weeks before that. They already sent me an e-mail regarding their missed call on the 4th of May.
From then on, the Nursing Times editorial staff guided me throughout the whole process.
On the 5th of August, I was informed that I am a finalist for the Overseas Nurse of the Year Award. The official announcement to the broader public domain was on the 13th of August.
What does the nomination mean to you?
When I first spoke to the Nursing Times staff, I said, 'Why me? What have I done extraordinarily to what all other nurses have been doing extraordinarily during these extraordinary times?'
I realise that the true meaning of this recognition is beyond me. I want to share this with all the overseas nurses, especially the younger generation of international nurses who had to face the challenges of the pandemic immediately while still adapting to their new life in a foreign land. I could empathise with their degree of anxiety and homesickness, yet they remained focused and dedicated to their work. I know of many who lost family members but could not go home to pay their last respects.
I hope that this recognition would also open doors for others’ service to be appreciated and recognised and that it will not take them 21 years like me.
I want to dedicate this recognition to all nurses and healthcare workers, especially Lei, who lost their lives in service. I share this honour with all my co-workers whose relentless passion and dedication inspire me each day to carry on. I take pride in representing the culture of excellence in practice amongst the UHCW workforce with this nomination.
The Interdisciplinary Clinical Academic Health Research Excellence (i-CAhRE) pathway is an established programme supporting clinical staff interested in research at UHCW. The programme was developed between Professor Jane Coad, Professor in Children’s Nursing/ i-CAhRE Director and the R&D team at UHCW and is open to all staff including Nurses, Midwives, AHPs and Clinical Scientists from post Grad to post Doctorate. It provides key mentoring and leadership skills to those interested in undertaking research and has been transformational in developing new knowledge through evidence based practice and improving clinical outcomes for patients.
Helen Eftekhari, British Heart Foundation Cardiology Nursing Fellow and David McWilliams, Clinical Academic Physiotherapist describe below their journey in research and the opportunities available.
Helen Eftekhari
Since 2016 I have been part of the UHCW iCAhRE pathway. This began with dipping my toes into research and wondering if this is the right path for me by doing the INCA Bronze programme, a joint programme for research between UHCW and Coventry University. Sparking my interest, I then applied for a Health Education England/National Institute of Health Research funded Master’s by research, again a joint effort between UHCW and Coventry University. In 2020 I was awarded a British Heart Foundation Nursing PhD fellowship paying for salary, tuition and research costs, undertaken at the University of Warwick. Importantly every step of the way has improved my clinical and academic skill set which I have brought back to the patient care I deliver and the team I am part of. UHCW’s R&D Team have provided invaluable support in guiding me through the process.
Nationally there are increasing opportunities for non-medical allied health care professionals to travel the road I have been going down and at the trust there is now a wealth of experience to support people interested in research. Being research active brings enormous benefits in being part of building the evidence base for what we do and bringing this back to patient care. Nurses are the largest workforce in the NHS and yet are the most underrepresented in research activity. Much of what we do in practice requires a broader evidence base. We are all research active in various ways and thinking about what we do differently can lead to improvements in the quality of care we deliver. The Centre for Care Excellence is a fantastic and unique opportunity for us to change this. For more information: https://www.uhcw.nhs.uk/leading-research/centre-for-care-excellence/
David McWilliams
The Centre for Care Excellence was developed in 2020 and forms a close partnership between UHCW and Coventry University. The centre aims to further enhance patient care and academic excellence across both organisations through research, practice development, education and innovation. I was appointed as an Associate Professor for the centre last year, having previously worked as a Consultant Physiotherapist within critical care. Throughout my career and even in my consultant role I had limited protected time for formal research.
The main piece of advice I got 10 years ago was that research doesn’t always have to be perfect and this is a message I try to share with others. In the early years of my career research always felt like something that was unattainable for somebody in a clinical role but I was told, and now know, this isn’t the case at all. As frontline staff we often collect data about the effectiveness of our services and make changes to improve outcomes as a normal part of our day to day jobs. What we don’t always think about though is about sharing this with others. These early data collection projects and having a platform to share them can often lead to subsequent opportunities.
The Centre can provide support to staff at all levels in a variety of ways. Regular open and informal drop ins provide staff with the opportunity to discuss potential ideas for research or service evaluation, generation of research questions and literature search strategies, and provides assistance with data analysis and interpretation. We have already supported a number of people with developing their ideas which has led to abstract submissions, conference presentations and publications. Don’t be afraid to get in touch as me and the other professors would love to hear about your work and ideas.
At UHCW we have seen in September continued celebrations of our extraordinary nurses and midwives across the Trust.
To date, a total of 39 of our Nurses and Midwives have been congratulated as deserving honourees of a prestigious DAISY Award!
Our DAISY honourees that were presented with a prestigious DAISY award in August, thus far this month are: RM Jordana Havard from ward 24, RM Claudia Anghel from Labour ward, and RN Gail Hobley from Cedar ward at Rugby St Cross.
This month really has taken our celebrations to new heights, where RM Claudia Anghel was presented a DAISY Award, making Claudia the first midwife in the Trust to have received two DAISY Awards!
On presenting the award, Claudia was taken aback stating ‘I can’t believe it, I treat all of my patients the exact same way. Having the first DAISY award was amazing, but now having two is unbelievable. I am so grateful to be nominated’. Congratulations Claudia and to each and every one of our honourees!
As well as honouring our extraordinary Nurses and Midwives with a prestigious DAISY award, we will also be hosting a showcase of all of our DAISY honourees to date during our Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Summit on 27th October 2021 – be sure to save the date and come along to celebrate our excellence in Nursing and Midwifery with us.
Wards 31 and Ward 40 have continued to make sustained improvements with MUST screening for their patients since April 2021! Well done, this is a great achievement!
How have they made this improvement?
The Ward Manager or Nurse in Charge checks Vital Pac every shift to check for new patients admitted to the ward and still require a MUST score. This is then communicated to the nursing staff looking after the patient.
Lisa Newey and Rachel Linden showcased the improvement work they have facilitated on Ward 31at Stand Up recently. The focus was to improve MUST scoring compliance to enable the teams to ensure that all patients received the correct nutritional input and prompt referrals to the Dietetic Team.
The team adopted the 5’s approach from UHCWi methodology to engage all staff members to make the improvements and embedded it in to their standard work. MUST scoring has improved from 30% to 100% and the ward are tracking progress on their focus board.
DRIPP (device related infection prevention practices) improvement collaborative The DRIPP (device related infection prevention practices) improvement collaborative is leading work to spread best practice, reduce infections and improve outcomes for patients with urinary catheters or intravascular devices. As part of this work the group would like to seek healthcare workers’ views and opinions on the removal of urinary catheters. Please can you cascade this link to a very short survey (less than 5 mins to complete) to your staff and encourage all healthcare workers to complete it. The survey can be found here and closes on Friday, 1st October. Your support is as always much appreciated.
NHS Race & Health Observatory: Compassionate Leadership and Race Equality on 4th October 2021
BAPIO National Annual Conference: 22-24th October
Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Summit on 27th October 2021
Wellbeing Sessions from PHE
We're always looking for new stories to tell in the CNO Bulletin.
While we can't guarantee everything submitted will be published, if you have anything you would like to be included in a CNO Bulletin please get in contact via the Communications Request Form which is available on TrustNav.
Cases of aggression and violence have risen across the NHS and University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust since 2020 and today we’re launching our #NoExcuseForAbuse campaign to reaffirm our zero tolerance approach. Listen to the video below to find out more. pic.twitter.com/h5UbzLxMDo — UHCW NHS Trust (@nhsuhcw) September 21, 2021
Cases of aggression and violence have risen across the NHS and University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust since 2020 and today we’re launching our #NoExcuseForAbuse campaign to reaffirm our zero tolerance approach. Listen to the video below to find out more. pic.twitter.com/h5UbzLxMDo
Patients are set to benefit from the opening of a new state-of-the-art Interventional Radiology Theatre Suite at University Hospital, Coventry. The facility delivers minimally invasive, image guided surgery that can see patients treated efficiently: https://t.co/YKYXdW7jX4 pic.twitter.com/owY21z8ZzY — UHCW NHS Trust (@nhsuhcw) September 20, 2021
Patients are set to benefit from the opening of a new state-of-the-art Interventional Radiology Theatre Suite at University Hospital, Coventry. The facility delivers minimally invasive, image guided surgery that can see patients treated efficiently: https://t.co/YKYXdW7jX4 pic.twitter.com/owY21z8ZzY
Yesterday we officially opened The Maple Unit at the Hospital of St Cross in Rugby. The purpose built unit will treat patients with cancer and blood disorders from across Coventry and Warwickshire. For more information visit: https://t.co/iMUzMzeKQG pic.twitter.com/siZUIuC13D — UHCW NHS Trust (@nhsuhcw) September 17, 2021
Yesterday we officially opened The Maple Unit at the Hospital of St Cross in Rugby. The purpose built unit will treat patients with cancer and blood disorders from across Coventry and Warwickshire. For more information visit: https://t.co/iMUzMzeKQG pic.twitter.com/siZUIuC13D
A celebratory event of the NHS we love! It’s been tough- but proud every day of the team and job we do! #thankyou @HollyRandle6 @beth_westley doing @nhsuhcw proud and speaking from the heart! #teamEM #teamNeuro #SNA #WM #proud #NHS pic.twitter.com/Ikgt19FYAf — Marie Fogarty (@MarieFogarty7) September 12, 2021
A celebratory event of the NHS we love! It’s been tough- but proud every day of the team and job we do! #thankyou @HollyRandle6 @beth_westley doing @nhsuhcw proud and speaking from the heart! #teamEM #teamNeuro #SNA #WM #proud #NHS pic.twitter.com/Ikgt19FYAf
Today our Chief Nursing Officer @ninamorganUHCW hosted a listening event all about our journey to excellence and driving positive cultural change. Hearing from staff about what they want to see from us was so powerful! Thanks to all who attended & dialled in! #ExcellenceAtUHCW pic.twitter.com/rsxDyl0uYJ — Pathway to Excellence at UHCW (@UHCWP2E) September 8, 2021
Today our Chief Nursing Officer @ninamorganUHCW hosted a listening event all about our journey to excellence and driving positive cultural change. Hearing from staff about what they want to see from us was so powerful! Thanks to all who attended & dialled in! #ExcellenceAtUHCW pic.twitter.com/rsxDyl0uYJ
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