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CQC in Summary

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) monitor, inspect and regulate health and social care services. They publish their findings, including ratings to help people choose care. Find out more.

What do CQC Do?

The matters that CQC deal with are

  • Registering people that apply to provide services.
  • Using data, evidence and information throughout their work.
  • Using feedback you've given to them to help reach judgements.
  • Undertaking inspections by experts using key questions (KLOEs)
  • Publishing information on judgements. In most cases a rating to help people choose care.
  • Taking action when it is judged that services need to improve or to make sure those responsible for poor care are held accountable for it.

Key Questions/ Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOE)

Inspections consider six key things:

Safe - Are people protected from abuse and avoidable harm?

Effective - Does the care of people, treatment and support achieve good outcomes, promote a good quality of life and is based on the best available evidence?

Caring - Do staff involve and treat people with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect?

Responsive - Are services responsive and organised so that they meet people’s needs?

Well-led - Is the organisation well led?

Since March 2018 CQC also review compliance according whether Services are Resourced Effectively - The organisation uses its resources effectively and efficiently

All trusts that are assessed are awarded a formal use of resources rating, a quality rating and a combined rating at the Trust level.


The inspections concentrate on the following core services:

  • Urgent and Emergency Services
  • Medical Care
  • Surgery
  • Critical Care
  • Maternity
  • Children and Young People
  • End of life Care
  • Outpatients

There are also two additional service areas -

  • Diagnostic Imaging and screening
  • Gynaecology


Organisations are rated using a four point scale

  • Outstanding
  • Good
  • Requires improvement
  • Inadequate

Local information

UHCW is currently registered with the CQC, without any conditions, at the following locations:

  • University Hospital, Coventry
  • Hospital of St Cross, Rugby

CQC inspections at UHCW NHS Trust:



Type of visit

10-13 April 2018 UHCW NHS Trust Comprehensive inspection

13 March 2018

Local System Review

One of 20 targeted reviews of local authority areas 

8 March 2017

(IR(ME)R) – Radiology Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations (IR(ME)R)

28 September 2016

Outpatients and Diagnostics

Unannounced follow up inspection

24 August 2016

(IR(ME)R) – Radiology

Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations (IR(ME)R)

23 February 2016

Hospital of St Cross, Rugby

Pilot Urgent and Emergency Thematic Review

11 May 2015

Safeguarding and care of looked after children – Coventry City Council

Multi agency inspection as part of a national review of services for Safeguarding and Children looked after

10 - 13 March 2015


Comprehensive Inspection

15 January 2014

Dementia Care (A&E and relevant wards)

Unannounced visit as part of national themed inspection

17 September 2013

Mulberry Ward, Hospital of St Cross

Unannounced visit following concerns

11 February 2013

Mental Health Act Implementation

Visit as part of annual scrutiny of compliance with Mental Health Act

7 January 2013

Short stay units – UHCW

Unannounced visit as part of a planned programme of inspections

26 June 2012

Day Surgery, Hospital of St Cross

Unannounced visit as part of a planned programme of inspections

20-23 March 2012

Termination of Pregnancies

National review

28 December 2011

Ambulance waiting times at UHCW A&E

Unannounced visit following concerns

31 October - 11 November 2011

Safeguarding and care of looked after children – Warwickshire County Council

Multi agency inspection as part of a national review of services for Safeguarding and Children looked after

21 March - 1 April 2011

Safeguarding and care of looked after children – Coventry City Council

Multi agency inspection as part of a national review of services for Safeguarding and Children looked after

14-16 March 2011

Dignity and Nutrition

Themed inspection