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The Anaesthesia Department provides cover for 305 elective surgical lists per week to include general, regional and local anaesthesia. It also provides a 24/7 emergency service for anaesthesia and obstetric analgesia, and underpins most of the resuscitation services. It is involved in supporting a number of developments across the Trust which will be underpinned by anaesthesia which include the perinanaesthesia care unit and preoperative assessment.

It operates across both hospital sites within University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust and has over one hundred anaesthetists which include more than fifty consultants, with a clinical director and clinical leads, fourteen staff and associate specialists and over 40 doctors in training.

The clinical team are supported by five clerical officers of various grades. The service is operationally managed by a general manager with senior support from the divisional director of operations, divisional finance manager and the head of division


  • Preoperative Assessment
  • Inpatient Care
  • Outpatient clinics
  • Obstetrics
  • Pain Services

Waiting times 

Waiting time information for outpatient appointments at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust is now available by clicking here.

Patient information

Patient information leafet: Your Guide to Surgery

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