Provides nursing, medical, therapy and psychology support to patients and their families with complex palliative care needs in the community setting.
GP or health professional. Referral to the team is made by calling Tel: 02475237001
The team accepts referrals from health care professionals for patients who are over the age of 18 and registered with a Coventry GP.
How is a referral processed?
When we receive a referral it is triaged by the team. If the referral meets the criteria for specialist palliative care input the patient will be assigned a time frame for a face to face assessment, red will be seen within 1 working day, amber 2-3 working days, green 4-10 working days.
There is a medical clinic that is run by the consultant in palliative medicine weekly, where some patients will be seen.
Tel: 024 7623 7001
Wayside House, Coventry, CV6 6NY
Palliative and end of life care teams support people who have life limiting illnesses, this is beyond people with cancer and is based on need and not diagnosis. This is because we only have one chance to get it right for patients and those important to them.
The team has 3 parts:
Palliative Support Team
This element of the service provides hands on care to people in the last 2-4 weeks of life. This is provided by our Health Care Assistants (HCA) and supported by an initial and weekly assessment by registered nurses (RN) within the team. This service operates 8am-10pm 7 days per week.
Rapid Response Palliative care team
This is a new aspect to our service. A team of band 6 Rapid response Palliative care CNS and RN manage the ‘palliative phone’, which is a mobile number for patients rapidly deteriorating and approaching the end of their lives to contact the team to provide assessment and symptom management support. This service works collaboratively with the Urgent Community Response team. This service operates 8am-8pm 7 days per week. The night District Nursing team cover the Palliative phone 8pm-8am
Specialist Palliative Care Team
A multidisciplinary team that supports people with complex symptoms as result of life limiting illnesses. They support patients on their caseload with symptom support and management. They liaise with members of the MDT and other professionals to ensure the right professional is seeing the patient to optimise their quality of life. They have a key role in signposting and coordination of care.
They also provide education programme to members of the integrated palliative team and other health and social care professionals within Coventry Place. In addition, the team provide telephone advice to healthcare professionals.
The team consists of a Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Head of service, Band 8 Clinical Psychologist, Band 7 Clinical Nurse specialists, Band 7 physiotherapist, Band 7 Occupational Therapist, Band 6 Occupational Therapist, Band 4 Therapy assistant and Doctors in training.
This service operates Monday-Friday 8.30-4.30pm.
Myton Wellbeing
Myton is our local hospice, they offer a wellbeing programme to support patients and carers. For further information please see The Myton Hospices - Services - Patient & Carer Wellbeing Service
Contact number: 01926 838889
Compassionate Communities
This is a service that will support patients, carers and those who have just been bereaved. For more information see Compassionate Communities Coventry.pdf (
Bereavement Contact number: 07500 782 658
General Contact number: 07385 427 042
Rugby Contact number: 07342 086 276
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