People living with dementia can be admitted to our hospital sites for other clinical reasons, but their stay can be difficult as they can become confused or frightened easily.
At UHCW NHS Trust we aim to reduce this fear and anxiety as much as possible by ensuring compassion remains at the forefront of all our patient care.
Dementia is a progressive condition that impacts people’s cognitive functions and it can be very complex. In the early stages a person with this condition may appear to be coping well, but find it difficult with their communication or memory, especially when out of their normal routine or in a strange place.
Symptoms of dementia include experiencing difficulty with memory, disorientation, speech and understanding.
Our dementia strategy addresses the issues dementia patients face and outlines UHCW NHS Trust’s approach to supporting patients.
Patients are supported by our dementia lead nurse and three clinical nurse specialists who are dedicated to ensuring patients feel safe and their relatives and carers are fully involved to ensure patients receive the care they need to return home as soon as possible.
To help support this, we have a ‘forget me not’ care bundle which is a proven set of interventions to help improve hospital stays for dementia patients.
The bundle can also be used for any patient that is frail, feels confused or has difficulty with communication.
What is included in the bundle approach?
There are a number of things friends and family members of dementia patients can do to support their loved one during their hospital stay.
To speak to members of our dementia team for informal advice and support, please use the details below.
Deborah Harris, Specialist Mental Health Nurse - or 02476 963128.
Maria Beech, Clinical Nurse Specialist - or 02476 964998.
Community Care Services
Alzheimer’s Society:
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