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Dietetics & Nutrition

The Dietetics department consists of dietitians who are registered with the Health and Professionals Council, as well as Dietetic Assistants and trained administrative staff. We provide evidenced-based nutrition advice to patients, carers, hospital staff and the public.
We work closely with other members of the Multi-Disciplinary team to provide a cohesive, holistic service to patients at University Hospital, Coventry, and Hospital of St Cross in Rugby. Dietitians work within specialist teams as well as across the general hospital. The professional body for dietitians is the British Dietetic Association. See their website for information about training and standards.
Dietitians employ a range of techniques to advise individuals on their nutrition needs. This starts with an individualised assessment and may include tips from tweaking your food choices, using supplements or tube feeding if required for that individual. In addition to direct patient care, we provide training and support for staff on the wards and specialist centres, contribute to health and wellbeing events and provide guidance to care homes and community services.
Our Dietetics department services all patients at the hospital and in our outpatient departments and satellite units. You will be screened for nutrition problems on admission to the wards or in outpatients and referred to the team if appropriate.
We see patients face to face as inpatients and outpatients and can also use a range of technological solutions where required, from simple telephone calls through to video consultations. Interpreting services and written information are available to help us to deliver the best possible care.
You can access the dietitians at UHCW or Rugby through referral from your GP or hospital team. Referrals are triaged by senior dietitians to ensure patients are seen in the correct order and booked into the right clinics.
For outpatients you will be contacted via letter or telephone to inform you of your appointment date and location. For inpatients, you will be reviewed on your ward or in your specialist treatment centre.
Please note, we do not accept self-referrals from the public.
We are based in the second floor rotunda at University Hospital, Coventry.
Telephone: 02476 966161.
Please visit the Did We Get it Right? page.
For patient information leaflets click here.

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