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Radiology is a medical speciality that uses imaging to diagnose and treat diseases seen within the body.
There are many different modalities within Radiology. Please see below for information about our different offerings.
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CT Scans
Computerised Tomography (CT) scans use a series of x-rays to build up a 3D image of the body, thse images can be reformatted to look at anatomy in any angle. CT scans are used to diagnose conditions including; damage to bones, injuries to internal organs, problems with blood flow, stroke and cancer. It can also be used to monitor conditions and used as a guide for further tests or treatments.
At UHCW we have four CT scanners, including a dedicated one in operation 24 hours day in our Emergency Department and one in the imaging depertment at the Hospital of St Cross, Rugby. The CT department normally operates every day betweem 7am and 8pm.
At UHCW we offer a range of examinations; from routine GP Practices and Outpatient clinics to cancer screening examinations as well as inpatient, Emergency Department and Trauma scans.

Specialist Investigations include:

  • Cardiac
  • Orthopaedic
  • Neurological
  • Colonoscopy
  • Intervention - Biopsies, Drainage, Nerve Injections, Ablations, Myelograms

The department is committed to the provision of state of the art imaging technologies and constantly evolving techniques. This enables the department to offer a high quality level of patient service and care.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
MRI is cross sectional imaging of a body that allows a look at all body tissues in fine detail without the need for radiation and allows the tissue to be viewed in a variety of perspectives. 

Specialift software enables treporting consultants to manipulate images for optimum viewing and contrast. MRI also enables us to view the vascular system within the body without the use of contrast agents.

There are currently four MRI scanncer in use at UHCW which provide imaging for the diagnosis and interventional treatment of many medical conditions, they normally operate every day betweem 7am and 8pm with emergency out of hours servcies also available. 

At UHCW we perform a large range of MRI scans including specialist Breast, Cardiac, Paediatric, Orthopaedic and Neurological servcies. We also cover the entire range of cancer screening examinations.

All of our scanners are wide bore which helps us to perform scans on claustrophobic and anxious patients.

The department is committed to the provision of state of the art imaging technologies and constantly evolving techniques. This enables the department to offer a high quality level of patient service and care.

For Interventional Radiology click here.

We perform ultrasound scans in a number of locations at the Trust at both University Hospital in Coventry, City of Coventry Health Centre and the Hospital of St Cross in Rugby. Ultrasound scans are also performed in other departments at our sites including in the Women’s and Children’s departments and the Centre for Reproductive Medicine.

They can also be performed in a range of specialist areas such as gynaecology, vascular, head and neck, musculoskeletal as well as interventional ultrasound including steroid injection, biopsies and aspirations.
If your GP feels you need an Ultrasound, they will refer you to us for a scan. All examinations require an appointment.
The Radiology department at University Hospital, Coventry, is located in the main hospital building on the ground floor. We also have a department at the Hospital of St Cross, Rugby, which is located on the ground floor of the Withybrook wing, and a presence at the City of Coventry Health Centre located on the ground floor.

To find out more information about an upcoming appointment, please email or call Ultrasound bookings on 02476 966933.
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