Many people with Parkinson's who drive are able to continue to do so. It is important to let the DVLA and your motor insurance company know about any major change in your health. This includes telling them you have been given a diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease.
Factors that might affect driving ability include alertness, reaction times, ability to multi-task, thinking, decision-making and eyesight.
If you are not sure about your driving abilities you can contact the DVLA for further advice.
You may find it useful to carry a copy of your prescription with you when you are driving, just in case you are stopped for any reason or are involved in a traffic incident.
If you need further assessment of your current driving ability, you can contact your regional driving assessment centre on 0300 3002240 for a review.
For more information, please look at the Parkinson’s UK Website or the Government website where you can download the relevant forms.
Updated 15 November 2021
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