Advice for patients using a speaking valve
Advice to patients with voice/throat problems
Changing your exdwelling valve
Choosing a bottle for your baby
Daily cleaning of your exdwelling valve
Easy to chew diet information sheet
Eating and drinking with Acknowledged Risks (EDAR)
Fibreoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES)
High risk foods
How to insert your speaking valve plug
Laryngectomy Surgical Voice Restoration- Voicing Techniques for Valve Users: Stoma button/lary tube users
Laryngectomy Surgical Voice Restoration: Cleaning your Valve
Laryngectomy Surgical Voice Restoration: Voicing exercises
Loading your exdwelling valve into a gel cap
Maintenance of your valve
Puree diet
Soft and bite-sized diet
Suppliers of ready-made puree, soft and bite-sized and easy to chew meals
Swallowing difficulties
Swallowing exercises for head and neck patients
Thickened fluids
Videofluoroscopy to assess laryngectomy voicing difficulties
Videofluoroscopy to assess swallowing difficulties
Voice advice sheet - Reflux
Voice care after laryngeal surgery
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