Abdominal pain
Allergic reaction and anaphylaxis
Ankle Sprain: Parent-Carer Discharge Information
Back Pain: Parent-Carer/Discharge Information
Breath-holding attacks
Broken or Bruised Ribs (Parent-Carer) Discharge Information
Burns and scalds
Crying baby and colic
Eye Drops and Ointment
Febrile convulsion
Fever or High Temperature
Gastro-oesophageal Reflux
Head Injury (Baby or Toddler)
Head Injury (Adolescent): Discharge Information
Head Injury (Child): Parent-Carer Discharge Information
Latex Allergy
Looking After Your Plaster Cast: Patient Discharge Information
Nappy Rash
Neck Injury: Parent-Carer Discharge Information
Nose Bleed (Epistaxis)
Nose Injury
Procedural Sedation with Ketamine
Pulled Elbow: Parent-Carer Discharge Information
Pulled Elbow - Patient Discharge Information
Shoulder Injury (Parent-Carer Discharge Info)
Sore Throat
Steri-Strips: Parent-Carer Discharge Information
Steri-Strips Patient Discharge information
Stitches (Parent-Carer Discharge information)
Tissue Adhesive / Wound Glue (Parent / Carer) Discharge Information
Tissue Adhesive/Wound Glue: Patient Discharge Information
Use of Crutches (Parent / Carer) Discharge Information
Wrist buckle fracture
Wrist Injury
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