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A third or fourth degree tear during childbirth: Information for you

After birth (postnatal) care for babies

After birth (postnatal) care for mothers

Anaesthesia for cervical cerclage

Anaesthesia for planned caesarean birth

Anaesthesia for urgent obstetric operations

Antenatal Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT Test for Diabetes)

Anti-D immunoglobin after birth

Avoiding hypoglycaemia (hypos) in Pregnancy

Being overweight and pregnant - Achieving a healthy and safe birth

Bleeding in pregnancy

Breastfeeding your baby

Care of a third- or fourth-degree tear that occurred during childbirth

Caesarean Section

Care after your anaesthetic for delivery

Caring for your caesarean section wound

Checking your coil threads after having a Mirena or copper coil

Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) and Amniocentesis

Contraception choices after pregnancy

Contraception for Women with Diabetes

COVID-19: Updated Maternity Advice

Cystic Hygroma

Diabetes and breastfeeding your baby

Enhanced Maternal Care on Labour Ward at UHCW

Epidurals in Labour

External Cephalic Version (ECV): Turning a breech baby in the womb

Guidance for parents about Vitamin K

Hand expression Skin to Skin and Kangaroo care

Having your baby at UHCW

Headache after an epidural or spinal injection

Hepatitis B what does my positive screening result mean

Induction of labour

Information for parents after a tongue tie division

Information leaflet for patients requesting a waterbirth

Internal iliac artery balloon occlusion during planned caesarean section

Iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy

Latent Phase of Labour

Low pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A)

Lucina Birth Centre

Maternal medicine midwifery team

Maternity Triage Services

Mental health and emotional wellbeing after having a baby

Metformin treatment in pregnancy

Monitoring in labour

Monochorionic twin pregnancies

Movements Matter - Your baby’s movements in pregnancy

Mum plus one

New Beginnings Antenatal Sessions

Pain relief for giving birth if your baby has died

Pain relief in labour

Planning for your next pregnancy and the future

Planning a family - Key facts you need to know

Planning a family - Things to do before you get pregnant

Postnatal care for Gestational Diabetes

Pre-Eclampsia and Placental Growth Factor Ratio Testing

Preterm prevention clinic

Pregnancy Patient Charter

Reducing the risk of blood clots (Venous Thromboembolism) during and after pregnancy

Referral to Fetal Medicine

Remifentanil for pain relief in labour

Responsive bottle feeding your baby

Saving Babies Lives Care Bundle Version 2 - A Parent's guide

Sterilisation at the time of caesarean section

Support for Black, Asian or any other Minoritised ethnicity (BAME) pregnant women

Surgical treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy

Type 1 Diabetes in pregnancy - What to do if unwell

Tongue-tie and feeding your baby

Useful numbers and support after having a baby


Welcome to Ward 25 - Postnatal Advice

What is Gestational Diabetes

What you need to know about expressing breastmilk before your baby is born

Your Birth Options