Admissions to the Emergency Gynaecology Unit
Anti-D Immunoglobulin Injection
Attending colposcopy
Bartholin's cyst or abscess
Bladder training
Cancer of the Cervix (Cervical Cancer)
Colposcopy - Surgicel Gauze
Colposcopy - Treatment for an abnormal smear
Cystoscopy and bladder biopsy
Discharge advice - Endometrial ablation
Endometrial ablation
Endometrial Cancer (Cancer of the Womb)
Endometriosis - what you need to know
Expectant management of an ectopic pregnancy
Flexible cystoscopy
Fluid Advice Gynaecology
Going Home with a Urinary Catheter
Gynaecological ultrasound scan
Gynaecology - Urodynamic studies
Having robotic assisted Gynaecological surgery
Hysterectomy - Abdominal hysterectomy
Hysteroscopy – Information for patients
Hysterectomy - Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy
Instructions for gynaecology patients following a general anaesthetic
Intra-uterine Pregnancy of Uncertain Viability
Laparoscopic Sacrohysteropexy
Laparoscopic sterilisation
Lichen Sclerosus
Local anaesthetic gels
Low dose vaginal oestrogen therapy
Macmillan Gynae-Oncology clinical nurse specialist service
Managing premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Management of pregnancy tissue
Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) under local anaesthetic
Medical treatment of ectopic pregnancy
Menstrual Disorders Clinic
Mid-trimester pregnancy loss
Mirena coil (IUS)
Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy
Out-patient Hysteroscopy Clinic (OPHC)
Outpatient procedure clinic
Patient Initiated Follow Up (PIFU)
Patient initiated follow up (PIFU) after discharge from the vulval clinic
PEARL Clinic
Pelvic floor exercises for women
Pelvic Mass
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS)
Perineal tear - Advice and aftercare
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): what it means for your long-term health
Postmenopausal bleeding
Pregnancy of unknown location
Prolapse and vaginal pessary
Post-op exercises and advice after gynaecology surgery
Punch biopsy of the cervix
Removal of an endometrial polyp or sub-mucus fibroid
Surgical Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy
Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (TLH)
Understanding how risk is discussed in healthcare
Using dermovate (Clobetasol Proprionate 0.05%) ointment
Uterine fibroids
Vaginal hysterectomy
Vaginal dilators
Vulval biopsy
Vulval Cancer
Vulval Clinic - General vulval care and emollients
Vulval Clinic - Vulval lichen planus
Vulval Clinic - Tacrolimus Ointment 0.1% (Protopic Ointment 0.1%)
Vulval Intra-epithelial Neoplasia (VIN)
What is a molar pregnancy?
What is an Ectopic Pregnancy?
Your options following the diagnosis of miscarriage
Visit the UHCW CHarity Website