Adenoidectomy - Parent/Carer discharge information
Adrenaline auto-injectors (AAI) in school
Allergy - Advice following successful completion of baked egg challenge
Allergy - Advice following successful completion of the baked milk challenge
Allergy - Baked egg challenge
Allergy - Baked milk challenge
Allergy - Cow's milk challenge
Allergy - Drug challenge (Antibiotics)
Allergy - Egg allergy fact sheet
Allergy - Egg challenge
Allergy - Fish cake challenge
Allergy - Food challenge
Allergy - Grass and tree pollen avoidance
Allergy - Home introduction of baked egg
Allergy - Latex challenge
Allergy - Mixed tree nut cookie challenge
Allergy - Moulds and spores avoidance
Allergy - Nut challenge
Allergy - Wheat challenge (in the form of Weetabix)
Asthma Control Test for Children 12 years and older (GSK)
Attending UHCW Children s Department for a General Anaesthetic
Bronchiolitis: Parent/Carer Discharge Information
BSACI Allergy Action Plan
BSACI Epipen (0.3mg)
BSACI Epipen (0.15mg)
BSACI Jext (0.3 mg)
BSACI Jext (0.15 mg)
BSACI: Emerade
BSACI: Preventing food allergy in your baby: A summary for parents
Caring for your child at home after a food or drug challenge
Child asthma action plan (Asthma UK)
Childhood Asthma Control Test for Children 4 to 11 years (GSK)
Cod challenge
Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP)
Home introduction of baked milk for children with allergy
Home introduction of lightly cooked egg
House dust mite avoidance
Inhaler Technique - using a spacer
Introducing nuts into the diet at home
LEAP - Introducing peanut at home
Makaton sign language
Medications, vaccinations and travel with sickle cell disease
Moving from children’s to adult services - A guide for young people with sickle cell anaemia or thalassaemia
Paediatric Unit Family Information Booklet
Patient advice on the use of Grazax/ Acarizax
Peanut Allergy - Post challenge information (Children under 3)
Peanut Allergy - Post challenge information (Children)
Percussion Physiotherapy
Pet allergen avoidance
PHDU Family Booklet
Post Challenge information for parents of children who have successfully completed a day-care food challenge for Tree Nuts
Quality of Life questionnaire for 12-17 Year Olds with Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis (Hayfever)
Quality of Life Questionnaires for 6-12 Year Olds with Rhinoconjunctivitis (Hayfever)
Salbutamol Reducing Regimen (adolescents)
Salbutamol Reducing Regimen (Parents - Carers)
Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Services - Service information
Skin prick testing
Supervised feeds
Tonsillectomy - Parent/Carer discharge information
Wheeze Action Plan
Wound Care - Parent/Carer information
Wrist buckle fracture
Circumcision - Parent/Carer discharge information
Dental extraction - Parent/Carer discharge information
Hernia Repair/Hydrocele - Parent/Carer discharge information
Hypospadias repair
Insertion of Grommets - Parent/Carer discharge information
Myringoplasty - Parent/Carer discharge information
Adjusting insulin doses - Basal bolus regimen
Annual Review
Clinical Psychology Service for Children Young People and their Families living with diabetes in Coventry and Rugby
Diabetes and Careers
Disposal of sharps
How I look after my diabetes at school
Moving from Children’s Diabetes Clinic to Transition Clinic
Paediatric Diabetes - Blood Glucose Testing
Paediatric Diabetes - Common Problems
Paediatric Diabetes - Complications of Diabetes
Paediatric Diabetes - Diabetes UK and other information about managing your Diabetes
Paediatric Diabetes - Disability Living Allowance / Personal Independence Payment
Paediatric Diabetes - Exams and stress
Paediatric Diabetes - Foot care
Paediatric diabetes - HbA1c
Paediatric diabetes - High HbA1c
Paediatric Diabetes - Holidays
Paediatric Diabetes - Illness and diabetes
Paediatric Diabetes - Illness Management on Insulin Pump Therapy
Paediatric diabetes - Insulin injections
Paediatric Diabetes - Ketone testing
Paediatric Diabetes - Leaving home
Paediatric Diabetes - Puberty
Paediatric Diabetes - Wearing Identification
Paediatric diabetes - What happens on clinic days?
Paediatric Diabetes - What you take home with you
Paediatric Diabetes - Driving
The Paediatric Diabetes Specialist Nurses (PDSNs)
The UHCW Paediatric Diabetes team
Visit the UHCW CHarity Website