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Shielding and other Advice

This guidance is for everyone who has been identified as being clinically extremely vulnerable from Covid-19. Those at higher risk of becoming seriously ill if they catch Covid-19 may wish to think carefully about additional precautions they wish to take.

Individuals may wish to choose to limit the close contact they have with those they do not usually meet with in order to reduce the risk of catching or spreading Covid-19, particularly if they are clinically extremely vulnerable and if Covid-19 levels in the general community are high.

If you require additional care and support and help you stay safe and well, there is further guidance here. Alternatively, please speak to your GP or hospital consultant.

Specific information/advice on your speciality can be found here.


Everyone on the Shielded Patient list should have already been offered a Covid-19 vaccine. If you have not received your first dose, please contact your GP, book your appointment on the national booking line or attend a walk-in centre.

We have now written to all patients who have been shielding to encourage them to have a Covid booster vaccination.

Please take this letter to any vaccination clinic to arrange an appointment for your third vaccination, which must be at least 8 weeks after your second dose. To find your closest vaccination clinic, visit this website

Simply take this letter to your closest vaccination clinic. Please don’t call the National Booking System or call 119.

If you are receiving chemotherapy treatment, please schedule your vaccination 2-3 days before your next cycle. Contact your specialty consultant if you have any queries.

For more information about the coronavirus vaccine visit To book your test, click here or call 119. Click here for advice if you have a severely weakened immune system.

BLood clinics across coventry and warwickshire

For patients who are still shielding and routinely require access to phlebotomy services, either due to their conditions or the treatments they receive, we have set up five clinics in community locations. These are in Nuneaton, Atherstone, Rugby, Warwick and Coventry, and your consultant will refer to these clinics.

If you are no longer shielding, and not deemed to be extremely clinically vulnerable, we have now restored blood clinics in hospital settings on an appointment-only basis. You can book appointments here.

Any patients who do not have access to a computer can call 02476 153546. Please note the line has limited capacity and is only for those without internet.