We are working hard to continue to protect our patients and staff and want to reassure you that our hospitals are safe environments.
We are continuously monitoring our safety measures to help stop the spread of infections and keep everyone safe.
Before attending the hospital, you will be asked if you or anyone in your household has had any symptoms relating to Covid-19.
In particular, the questions will include:
Are you or is anybody in your household currently experiencing:
- A high temperature
- A new, continuous cough
- Loss of taste or smell
- shortness of breath
- feeling tired or exhausted
- an aching body
- a headache
- a sore throat
- a blocked or runny nose
- loss of appetite
- diarrhoea
- feeling sick or being sick
Please be aware that you will be asked these questions when you arrive and throughout your stay. We will also take your temperature regularly, and you will be screened (swabs taken) on admission as routine.
Patients having planned surgical procedures will be notified of requirements for pre-screening, leading up to admission.
During your stay you will notice UHCW staff wearing different levels of PPE in areas where there is a higher risk of Covid-19 and the spread of infection. The PPE may include masks, gloves and aprons and this is to protect everyone. Please note, face masks are not required in non-clinical areas and communal areas for staff unless they choose to wear them.
Staff and visitors are no longer required to wear face masks in most clinical and all non-clinical areas at our hospitals unless it is their personal preference to do so.
To continue to protect those who are most vulnerable and at high risk, face masks are still required in some clinical areas (with clear signage in place).
We will continue to monitor the situation and will review this approach if there are significant changes in the rate of Covid-19 transmission.
We also ask you not to wear gloves when coming into the hospital. The best way to stop germs from spreading is to clean your hands regularly and thoroughly. Alcohol gel is placed within dispensers on hospital entry and on ward and department entrance points.
If you would like to dispose of your mask as you leave, please use any bin. Additional bins have been placed by entrances and exits and by the restaurant in the main atrium.
Hand hygiene facilities are available for use by staff, patients and visitors throughout our site and we encourage everyone to use the alcohol hand rub dispensers and soap and water as required.
We also offer hand wipes to patients before touching food items. Please ask for wipes if you feel you need them. For more information on what to expect when attending UHCW, read our patient information leaflet here (PDF).
Visit the UHCW CHarity Website