The WISDEM clinical staff provide quality care for patients wtih diabetes, endocrine and other metabolic conditions. The staff includes doctors, specialist nurses, dieticians and other healthcare professionals.
Professor Hendrik Lehnert is now associated with WISDEM as a Professor and Research Adviser on an honorary basis.
Professor Kumar is Pro-Dean of Research at Warwick Medical School. He became Professor of Medicine at University Hospital Coventry in September 2003 He has been instrumental in setting up internationally-recognised specialist Diabetes and Metabolic service facilities at the Hospital and established WISDEM – a specialist centre at the Hospital providing treatment and support for the more complex cases of diabetes, endocrine and metabolic conditions. He has also encouraged collaborations and partnerships with other national and international bodies, and has actively sought to introduce high calibre research to Coventry, which has brought significant inward investment to the area.
He is internationally recognised for his research into obesity and its complications, particularly Type 2 diabetes with his research groups gaining acclaim through several national and international awards. His interests include developing novel approaches to managing obesity and diabetes which will ultimately transform and improve patient care and treatment. Within WISDEM, he runs obesity and diabetes multi-disciplinary clinics and also rare genetic syndromes with diabetes clinics.
Dr Khan is responsible for establishing the new county-wide Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) service which aims to find and treat the 2000 individuals in Warwickshire with this condition. FH is an inherited cause of very high cholesterol which, in most cases, if left untreated will result in premature death from heart disease and related conditions. As most FH patients remain unknown, this initiative has the potential to save many hundreds of unecessary and preventable deaths across Coventry and Warwickshire.
Dr Khan is also an internationally respected research leader who has published widely on the mechanisms which regulate cell death and number and how these become derailed in diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Journals include Cell, Molecular Cell and the Lancet. He is editor of the 'Molecular Biology of Cancer' and was previous head of Molecular Medicine at the University of Warwick.
Dr Khan also runs two masters and postgraduate training courses in 'cardiovascular risk' and the 'biology of cancer'.
Tom is affiliated with the University of Warwick and the UHCW NHS Trust. He currently leads the Obesity service at the WISDEM Centre and also runs outpatient clinics for patients with Diabetes and Endocrine-related problems.
His research interests are focused on the determinants of human metabolism, and the pathogenesis and treatment of obesity and obesity-related conditions. Tom has a number of highly-cited publications in leading peer-reviewed journals and has been an invited speaker at a number of national and international meetings.
Jackie Sturt completed her nurse training at St James Hospital, Leeds in 1983. Between 1983-92 Jackie worked in a number of diabetes nursing roles in both hospitals and primary care and as a research nurse. She undertook her mental health nurse training and worked for a while in Australia. Working as a nurse practitioner at the Burford Nursing Development Unit, Oxfordshire introduced her to academic nursing and she began her formal research training in 1992.
Since joining academia, Jackie she has developed a research and teaching career in diabetes self-management education and emotional and psychological care in diabetes, particularly focussed in primary care. She is also actively involved in the Warwick Diabetes Research and Education User Group, a group of people with diabetes who support Warwick Medical School to develop education and research programmes that are important to people with diabetes.
In early 2010 she came back to clinial work at UHCW as a Diabetes Listener where her role is to support people who are struggling with their diabetes and its impact on their life. Jackie continues her clinical, teaching and research activity at UHCW and Warwick Medical School.
Sunny joined the WISDEM Centre as a Diabetes and Metabolism Research Nurse in Feb 2009. Her interest in diabetes research began with her involvement in research in the primary care setting. She worked previously within primary care as a Practice Nurse for 7 years, and within that time, developed a great interest for diabetes care. Working in a highly-populated area of south Asian patients - the awareness of diabetes being a growing concern for the south Asians - Sunny became involved in delivering education programmes in the local community to increase patient awareness of diabetes and prevention. Being able to communicate in Punjabi, Hindi and Urdu allows her to deliver services to a wider audience.
Sunny is encouraged when patients consider opportunities to help make changes in diabetes for the future, and that research can achieve better diabetes care and outcomes. She feels patients are an inspiration for now and the future in terms of designing diabetes services.
Dr Sivaraman currently provides endocrinology outpatient clinic expertise one day per week whilst also undertaking research in endocrinology and metabolism. His main interests are in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and its effect on energy homeostasis and body composition.
Peter has been employed with UHCW NHS Trust since 1998 and has significant experience in general nursing, clinical governance and research. He has a special interest in diabetes research, particularly in the areas of effective diabetes care delivery, enhancing diabetes self management and promoting the development of culturally competent services. Peter joined the WISDEM team in February 2009 as Clinical Research Facilitator, where he undertook clinical research trials and research. Peter was also the Co-Creating Health Site Reporter for Diabetes until September 2010, investigating the Trust strategy for managing Type 2 diabetes, and reporting on how diabetes self-management is facilitated by diabetes services in WISDEM.
Peter is currently the Principal Investigator in ‘Delivering Diabetes Care to Ethnic Diversity (DEDICATED) in Coventry - a 3-year research project funded by West Midlands Strategic Heath Authority. The project works in collaboration with WISDEM and seeks to identify areas where some ethnic minority groups (EMGs) are struggling to manage their diabetes, thus finding new ways for EMGs and NHS staff to work effectively together, sharing knowledge and providing support.
Dr Harrold is one of the current training registrars at UCHW. He has a particular interest in diabetic emergencies and inpatient diabetes. Gail Evans: Diabetes Research Nurse
Gail joined the WISDEM Clinical Team in 2010, and is currently involved in undertaking diabetes trials at the WISDEM Centre – mainly a large global study with Novo Nordisk. Gail has come from a previous renal background and also has some experience of trauma orthopaedics.
Together with a highly experienced team I specialise in looking after patients with advanced foot problems caused through diabetes. The foot in diabetes can pose a formidable challenge; nerve damage, diminished blood supply and infection can lead easily to amputation. Our aim in the WISDEM Acute Diabetes Foot Clinic is to improve damage to feet, limit the impact of the foot problems on people's lives and reduce the chance of problems occurring in the future.
The role of the specialist nurse in endocrinology provides an individual with long-term commitment to the provision of on-going care to patients with endocrine disease.
Particular responsibilities of the endocrine nurse include the supervision of long-term follow-up patients with stable endocrine disease, the initiation, supervision and initial interpretation of endocrine investigations in post operative patients and during follow-up, initial assessment and counselling of defined groups of patients, and co-ordination of endocrine testing and therapy.
Louise provides advice and support for medical and bariatric surgical weight management patients. She is also involved in weight management research.
Emma assists with screening families of individuals with Familial Hypercholesterolaemia, in order to identify those individuals at risk of developing premature cardiovascular disease.
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